About Us

Expert healthcare, personalised service, right in your neighbourhood.

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About Us

Committed to your wellbeing

Our team of professionals are all about the quality of life and they are there to help you make changes or adjustments to ensure you stay healthy.

Our team are also there to help you understand our often complicated Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and can offer solutions for minor health conditions. All of our Pharmacists are accredited by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and practise according to The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s professional code of conduct.

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Meet the Team at


Owner | Pharmacist

Linda Our team of professionals pharmacists in Dunsborough are here for you.

Linda made the move down south with her young family in the year 2000, trying to escape the Y2K bug with a sea change. She has owned pharmacies in North Beach, Rockingham and Mandurah but took a break to concentrate bringing up her family in the best place to live, never once regretting the decision to leave the city.

Ten years after purchasing and working at Dunsborough Pharmacy, Linda opened Nourish, a pharmacy that more closely aligned to her belief of what a pharmacy should be and took the risk of making her dream real. She believes that ‘medication is not the only answer’ and that you can always do something more to improve your health and quality of life. She believes we should live a life of continuous learning and hopes that Nourish will provide trained and knowledgeable professionals to help guide and advise you on your own personal health care journey. Linda believes that many complementary, alternative and lifestyle therapies can work alongside conventional therapies to make and keep us all well.

Linda has always had an interest in health and fitness, but over the last five years has ventured into the sport of triathlon with its three disciplines of swim, cycle and run. She is now a regular jetty swimmer and Ironman 70.3 competitor. Linda feels lucky that she has been able to surround herself with athletes who are very committed to their health, nutrition and wellbeing. They even motivated her to complete her first marathon in Paris in 2016.


Owner | Pharmacist

Vincent Our team of professionals pharmacists in Dunsborough are here for you.

Vincent is a pharmacist with a strong focus on customer and professional services. He as a great interest in nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes affecting common medical ailments and general wellbeing.

Vincent strives to constantly improve customer experience and he does not believe in just one approach but a tailored health solution for each individual need. He likes to think of the pharmacy as a great hub linking customers to other health professionals; furthermore, triaging patients in a rural community where doctors and specialists are not as readily available as in urban areas.

Vincent is not only a drug expert but also has experience with hearing aids, sleep apnoea, immunisation, wound dressing, natural therapies, diet and nutrition.

When a swell hit the South West and Vincent is not at work, you can find him surfing or supping at the local surf break.



Our most recent addition to our team of pharmacists line up is Kylie. City girl, Kylie grew up in Perth and studied pharmacy at Curtin University. In what seems like a lifetime ago, and an interesting quirk of fate, Kylie originally worked for Linda at her pharmacy in Rockingham in the 1990’s. Like many, Kylie married and planned to start a family. Despite lots of positive thinking and a stressful period of medical intervention, she came to the realisation that she needed to rethink her vision of what is family.

Kylie and her husband Glenn, then made the decision that changed their lives. They adopted a baby boy from South Korea. With family life balance now her first priority, she made a sea change to Bunbury. She still lives in Bunbury but now has two gorgeous boys, both of whom were born in South Korea.
Never say never, Kylie has a positive attitude and outlook on life that our patients love. Kylie’s experience as a pharmacist both in the hospital setting at Bunbury and the community make her very approachable and relatable and nothing seems to unsettle her.  With more than 25 year’s experience under her belt, Kylie still loves the challenge of solving people’s health issues and the satisfaction of helping others and seeing them get better.

She is really enjoying meeting the Dunsborough locals and loves the community feel of the town.  With a one hour commute both ways to and from Dunsborough we guess she REALLY does love working with us! Calm, reliable, full of knowledge, lots of experience, methodical, up to date with everything in health industry. Lots of satisfaction from solving people’s problems, helping people.



Our Pharmacist

Amber Cameron received her pharmacist training in Wales from the Welsh School of Pharmacy in Cardiff University. She has a diverse background of knowledge having worked in England and Wales for 6 months before moving to Australia where she has been working as a pharmacist for over 10 years.

In 2017 Amber undertook further specialty training in compounding pharmacy. She completed her qualification in Sydney through one of the leading compounding laboratories, Medisca. She has now joined our team in our compounding lab at Nourish.

Amber’s special areas of interest are Women’s Health, Hormonal Replacement Therapies & Children’s Health. As a part of her compounding work she especially enjoys creating children friendly medication formulas. She is very well aware, having two children herself, of the difficulty involved with getting children to take their medications. This has inspired her to create formulations that are more palatable and easier to take.

Amber believes in a holistic approach to managing health conditions. She likes to look at how she can help treat the cause as well as manage the symptoms. She is also very interested in working out ways to reduce wastage within pharmacy and help reduce our impact on the environment.

Outside of pharmacy she likes to keep fit by going to F45 classes, walking and taking her 2 children riding.



Melinda Our team of professionals pharmacists in Dunsborough are here for you.

Melinda is our part time Pharmacist and Naturopath. On completion of her Naturopathy Degree at Southern Cross University, Mel spent 5 years practising around Byron Bay, she then decided it was time to come home to her family on the West Coast.

Her passion for making a positive difference to people’s health led her to studying Masters of Pharmacy at the University of Western Australia. She has been working in community pharmacy in the South West for the past 6 years.

Melinda’s other passion is surfing. She has travelled the world chasing the waves and when she’s not working she is getting salty somewhere. She has found her home here in Dunsborough with her two beautiful children and husband. Mel believes in a holistic approach to health and wellbeing is a great addition to our team.

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