Online Prescription

Online Prescriptions at Dunsborough Pharmacy takes 4 easy steps.

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Now you can order medication online.
Online Prescriptions

4 easy steps to access your medication

Step 1

Download MedAdvisor App in your Desktop, Tablet or Phone.

Step 2

Hand in your physical scripts at the Dunsborough Pharmacy.

Step 3

Provide us your mobile and email (In-Store).

Step 4

In your MedAvisor App check the box for home delivery.

MedAdvisor App

How to get my online prescription ready?

Online prescription assist you in managing your medication effectively during this difficult time, to minimise the number of people waiting within the store Dunsborough Pharmacy is encouraging our customers to sign up to the free prescription ordering service on MedAdvisor. 

You can now pre-order and pre-pay for your medications online. Simply download Medadvisor on your desktop or mobile phone device. 

Download the App:

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Benefits of Online Prescriptions

  1. Order with a simple Tap-to-Refill;
  2. Pay for your order via the app so you don’t need to handle cash;
  3. Ensure your medication is ready & waiting for you, saving you time;
  4. Opt in for home delivery;
  5. Get notifications for when your scripts are due to be filled;
  6. Remind when you need a new online prescription from the doctor;
  7. Keep a record of your expenditure over the last 12 months in preparation for your tax return.

Download the App:

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